Best of class translation from best in class team in business

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Knowing how to speak a foreign language does not automatically mean knowing how to translate it. Translation is a specialty that develops over time thanks to practice and a great deal of commitment. When switching from one language to another, the difference between two words can be minimal. But decisive to give a certain meaning to the text.

The translator’s job is not to translate a text literally. The semantics of each language are different. But to use the integrative words and interpret the sentences so that the original meaning remains unchanged.

The field of translation is therefore vast, intricate, and requires specific knowledge in the cultural field. For example the “Slang”, semantic and grammatical. Finally, in order to translate as it must, it is necessary to understand the context. Otherwise errors could be made that would cause irreparable damage (see, for example, legal texts).

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We would love to build the perfect translation solution for your brand. Your journey starts here.

Krishna™ Translations offers translations made by professional translators covering a wide range of areas. To name a few legal, commercial, and technical, without neglecting interpersonal relationships and focusing on customers and staff.

In fact, our 24/7 service is ready to solve any situation.

Customers will have the opportunity to interact with translators in an easy way. You only need to send us your file, select your language pairs and that is it. Our project managers will communicate you the estimated delivery time and take care wisely of your needs.

We guarantee accurate, natural-sounding texts using native-speaking professionals. Also ensuring each document is reviewed according to strict quality assurance protocols prior to delivery. Krishna Translations cover a vast range of market sectors, content formats, and file types. From medical to legal, marketing to finance, there’s no field that we don’t cover.

We provide exceptional translations at unbeatable prices in over 150+ global languages through our team of highly-qualified translators.

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